Your work takes you yonder, possibly often and perhaps to repeat destinations. Insurance is likely a company expense, so ensure your coverage is with a reputable provider. Traveling for your job shouldn't leave you hoping you're insured.
Comprehensive Coverage
Because your work can’t afford to miss a beat (and since your company is footing the bill), let a strong comprehensive plan cover everything that could arise, including concierge service.
Well Known Provider
You want a provider as credible as your business is. Look for a company that’s internationally recognizable and has the backing of a large, established bank.
Multi-Trip Options
Many business travelers are on the road a lot, so find a plan that covers your trips year-round. Don’t waste time securing coverage each time you leave town.
Baggage Delay
In the event your baggage is delayed (anywhere from 12-24 hours) and you need to purchase replacement clothing or toiletry items, Baggage Delay coverage will reimburse those expenses (within reason).
Scenario: You arrive at your destination without your bags, including the suit you packed for an important client meeting. Don’t dig into your per diem or travel budget – let ‘Baggage Delay’ coverage pick up the tab for your backup attire.
Business Property
Coverage for loss or damage to property that belongs to the company while you travel with it.
Scenario: Your company laptop is stolen from your hotel room while you’re at dinner. You report the incident appropriately, then purchase a much-needed new computer for the next meeting. ‘Business Property’ coverage would reimburse you for the replacement up to the plan’s limit.
Cancel for Work Reasons
This coverage offers additional acceptable reasons under ‘Trip Cancellation and Interruption’ coverage that relate to your employment, but affect personal travel.
Scenario: You’ve finally booked a long-anticipated family vacation, but suddenly are forced to cancel the trip when an unexpected work emergency develops. ‘Cancel for Work Reasons’ coverage would provide reimbursement for those non-refundable deposits you’ve placed towards your (now rescheduled) family trip.